Social media stickers

In our days, social stickers got really popular, but what are social media stickers, and how can they be used by brands?

Simplified explanation of social stickers are glorified emoji. It is a way of showing your feelings, thoughts, or just for fun. We went from having emoticons which are made of up different characters to know having emoji and stickers.

You can find stickers nearly in every platform, mainly in platforms like, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp and etc.

A way of humanising technology

Before other ways of communication got invented, we relied most on grunting and facial expressions to communicate face-to-face. However, since technology got more developed, new ways of communication got invented and those are not always face-to-face. So stickers and emojis were made to add a ‘human touch’ to it. As we try to humanise technology, and as brands try to become more human, these ways of communication becomes even more important. Scientists said that when we look at the emojis/stickers, it activates the same part of our brains when we look at human faces. There are some cases where people even do the same expression that the emoji/sticker does.

Sometimes we even add a smiley emoji to the end of the text because we don’t want the text to seem harsh, and for the other person to get the wrong impression/idea. If you were talking to that person face to face you would have given that smile, but over text you show emoji or sticker. Researches say that sending a emoji/sticker can help the message’s meaning to be more clear. Emoji/ stickers became some kind of universal language of messaging platforms. Two People could be speaking in 2 different languages, although they would still understand the meaning behind the annoyed emoji face.

Why do brands use social stickers?

According to a start from Nielsen, the 92% of consumers believe recommendations from friends and family, over all form of advertising. The problem is that, those conversations are happening in private, in platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Email and etc. The challenge that marketers face is how can they influence clients within these gated exchanges? And the social media stickers are the perfect solution. Brands can use social stickers in a lot of different ways, by penetrating these conversations with their own bespoke media. One way is building a positive brand sentiment, which could be based on an ad campaign or product/service. This is mainly popular in Asian countries where stickers have been used to promote new films, announce album releases, introduce new services and etc.

Bare Tree Media estimate that more than 6 billion emojis or stickers were sent every day during 2016 on mobile messaging apps. A different research company named AppBoy reports that between June 2015 and June 2016, there was 609% increase year by year growth in branded campaigns using emojis/stickers. During this period, over 800 million branded emoji messages were sent.

Conclusion: Social media stickers are more than just fun

It’s not only teenagers who use stickers. A survey from OnDevice found that 40% of active smartphone users actively use stickers. More than 20% of sticker users had paid for sticker set at least once.

These charts are for geographic specific data

A new way of communicating are vital to a content strategy, for marketers, and social stickers stand out as an interesting avenue to explore now and also for the near future.

My Comments

Personally, stickers/emojis became the most important part for me while I communicate with people via social media. In most of my texts, statuses, stories and etc. I use social media stickers. I feel like they actually give me a chance to express myself better, and show what kind of person I am to other people, and not to mention that, they are pretty fun to use.

The influence of ‘woke’ consumers on fashion

I have read the whole article and I think it was really interesting topic to discuss about. I mentioned before in my project that it’s not only brands’ responsibility to try to use materials or produce things that are eco-friendly, because consumers has a huge influence on brands, and as long as people keep consuming from the brands that are damaging to our environment or that are sending the wrong messages to the society, those brands won’t change their strategy. Since, as long as they get their money, they wouldn’t care if their products are harmful for the world.

In today’s society Generation Z has a big impact on the things that are happening around the world. Young generation has a big power, which is social media, and in our days, social media is a huge platform that effects people both in good and bad ways. One of the good ways to use the social media platforms is to spread awareness to people about important things that are happening in our lives. For example; about plastic waste, wars, air pollution and some other important events that are happening in the world.

That is why there are much more ‘woke’ people in this generation and those people are trying to do positive changes in our world. So this lead brands to change their marketing strategy and try to follow up with those kinds of ‘trends’ so young generation would shop from those brands, and not to mention that, a lot of people stay more loyal to those kinds of brands. However, not all brands look at it or treat this situation in the same way. Some brands genuinely care about those major problems that are happening in the world and they are trying to work as a community to spread a positive message and make a good change. However, on the other hand, some brands only look at it as a marketing strategy and in reality non of those brands are really concerned about those problems. So sometimes those kind of brands can get exposed for their dark side and get into scandals.

It is also, really important for brands to be careful when they produce products for sensitive topics, for example like LGBT. Even one slightest mistake can get them into a big trouble.

To sum up everything, I think it’s great that generation Z is educated and spreading awareness about the major events that are happening in the world right now, and it’s good that we have such a big power on brands so we could influence them to make a positive change in the world, as a community.

I have read the pdf too, and since there were a lot of information, I am going to include some notes from the article that I found interesting.


  1. 3 words to describe the fashion in 2018; “changing”, “digital” and fast
  2. 70% of participants in the survey responded that they were concerned about the overall global macroeconomic outlook in 2019.
  3. In 2018, customers. of Amazon in the US expected deliveries within 24 hours, as opposed to a 9-day delivery time expectation in 1995.
  4. Sustainably of global economy in 2019 is better than 2018.
  5. India powers ahead of other main emerging markets.
  6. Luxury brands are raising prices, significantly. Prices of fine watches and jewellery have nearly doubled since 2005.
  7. Nine in ten Gen Z consumers believe companies have a responsibility to address environmental and social issues.
  8. According to a 2017 millennial survey, consumers are more likely to find inspiration from external sources (like influencers, friends, TV) than directly from the brand or retailer.
  9. Forever 21 collaborated with Donde Search to create Discover Your Style, a visual search tool which can locate items from features such as silhouette and colour. A pilot increased average purchase value by 20%.
  10. Blockchain powers transparency and allows brands to not only communicate their values, but also hold all of their supply chain partners and producers accountable for each step.
  11. Established brands realise that challenger brands are often more nimble and effective at reaching young audiences.
  12. Valuations of online retail players are significantly higher than traditional retail.


I have heard a lot in social media that there a lot of cases where, people that are working in the factories to make clothes for fashion industries are being violated by factories/companies or they are not getting paid for the work that they have done. That’s really upsetting because those companies and factories have tons of money and mainly people who are working in those factories are poor population, even though people are getting paid a really small amount of money for so much work they have done, it’s really disturbing how such big companies avoid giving the small amount of salary to their workers. That’s why I support this article and think that costumers have the right to know the exact place where their clothes were made and in which circumstances, and I strongly think that, companies who are avoiding to reveal this type of information has something to hide and they don’t want to get exposed. That’s really unfair for workers not to know who they are working to, because they don’t have anyone to reach out to if they are having any issues. So it’s important for us to stop those kind of factories/companies from violating their workers so they could do their job safely and in a better environment.



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